The Support Programs focus on supporting academic programs, providing individualized attention to the needs of students.
The Program includes the following services:
· Counseling for High School Students
· Special needs and adaptations
· Language learning support.
Guides students with special educational needs and require curricular adaptations (related to non-significant and significant access). All students in this program receive personalized attention.
The Department designs individual academic programs for each student, with objectives and content that correspond to actual performance levels in each subject, taking into account at all times the need to foster and achieve independence.
The programs use a variety of materials, tailored to personal learning styles to provide a comprehensive approach, enrich the learning process, and achieve significant learning outcomes.
Together with the psychologist, the special needs teacher, and the regular class teachers, the students receive the necessary support through the different activities of the school.
This Department offers support and guidance to students for their social, emotional, academic, and vocational development through specialized services that provide information, intervention, and coordination of educational resources in the community.
At Educarte we believe that students can reach their full potential by increasing their skills and assertive communication, along with the practice of values.
Early stimulation is:
• A fun and simple way to connect parents with their children and the teacher with their students, who set the pace and timing of the activity.
• A positive attitude towards the development of the child who needs encouragement.
• A set of activities that develops the creativity and abilities of the students.
• A way to promote student’s optimal health.
• A means for the child to achieve autonomy and security.
How does early stimulation work?
It is carried out in the early stages of life when the child’s abilities start to develop.
Main Abilities
The skills that early stimulation seeks to promote in children are language, locomotion, and psychological/psychosocial development (learning to interact with others).